QiYi Valk 5 M Magnetic 5x5x5


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QiYi Valk 5 M Magnetic 5x5x5

The QiYi Valk 5 M is a quick, smooth 5×5 that holds the current 5×5 single and average world records.
This puzzle contains medium/strong magnets, primary internals, and superb corner cutting, making it QiYi’s first magnetic 5×5.
We anticipate this becoming one of the most popular options among elite 5×5 solvers. The Valk 5 M is a must-have if you’re serious about this competition.
Solving puzzles and brain teasers are vital exercises to educate children how to work hard to solve complicated issues, as well as to develop a child’s sense of space and memory.
This would be a fantastic gift for your kids whether you’re attempting to extend your brain capacity or enjoying some free time with your loved ones.


Level: 5x5x5
Weight: About 136g


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